Saturday, January 3, 2009

Having visited "the islands" I knew that wiki-wiki was supposed to be fast or quick, but I certainly haven't been getting through this in a timely fashion. I started browsing before Christmas and find that I still am following threads to more interesting places. I describe myself as having a Platte River mind and being assigned to play and follow where the mouse leads you is certainly time consuming and fascinating.

One of the fellow 2.0 bloggers I follow mentioned that some of the wikis seem to be stalled in the past, and wondered if they have outlived their usefulness - my thoughts also. I enjoyed the Prince William County site; home to my family for many years and many visits by me. I am also familiar with Fairfax and Alexandria libraries; and impressed that they are using technology and Library 2.0. Of course, their budgets and facilities have always been a source of envy by me.

I loved "Overbooked", and the idea of using a wiki for a book club is great! That is one application I could almost see working here at BHPL. Most of our Book Circle reader/members are computer users and it just might attract some younger members. I even found a fun wiki on weeding. Imagine weeding and fun in the same sentence!

Letting the library wiki become the community information center certainly would solve some of the problems of centralizing community news and activities: the school site doesn't get updated, the newspaper isn't always timely, local CATV is only as good as the people submitting events. There are definite possibilities; Loudon County's really looked good. The demographics are in their favor with education levels, income, computer access, broadband, etc.

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