Sunday, November 30, 2008

Opening an account on delicious was certainly easy, but then most of the opening steps have been. It was interesting to do some browsing, and Holdrege PL's site was very a good indication of what you could do. Wonder who is responsible for it? Are the entries in response to a reference question from a patron possibly? Or local events?

Howsoever, I can see an immediate use for the delicious account in my personal life: I use more than one computer and in more than one physical location. Being able to put all my bookmarks in a single location is going to be great!!! Adding tags, comments, etc. will make it easier to use them without racking my brain as to which one is the most logical to use for xxzzyy. It might even require me to do some long delayed house cleaning - why did I save that one anyway? Oh, I meant to say weeding.

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